Wein, Alkohol, Likör, Schnaps oder wie auch immer man es nennen will, ist bei den meisten Veranstaltungen eine der größten und schnellsten Motivationen für geselliges Beisammensein. Da jedoch die Zahl der Großgruppenveranstaltungen aufgrund der Pandemie drastisch zurückgegangen ist, hat sich auch der Verbrauch verringert. Dies hat dazu geführt, dass weniger Wein, Schnaps oder Alkohol in Bars, lokalen Geschäften oder Weinhandlungen gekauft werden muss.

Der Verkauf von Alkohol und Spirituosen ist, wie alles andere auch, virtuell geworden und hat sich auf dem Markt durchgesetzt. Auch die Kaufpräferenzen der Alkoholkonsumenten ändern sich rapide, da die meisten Verbraucher nun für fast alle Grundbedürfnisse lieber online einkaufen. Während dieser Trend weiter rasant zunimmt, haben Untersuchungen gezeigt, dass die meisten Menschen es inzwischen vorziehen, Alkohol online zu bestellen, anstatt in ein Geschäft zu gehen.

Die Weinindustrie hat in diese Gelegenheit investiert, um die Kunden besser bedienen zu können. Es wurden Innovationen entwickelt, um den Zugang zu Alkohol, Wein und Spirituosen für die Kunden zu erleichtern, insbesondere während dieser Pandemie. Die Weinindustrie hat u. a. Apps für die Lieferung von Alkohol auf Abruf, Websites oder Portale für den Weinverkauf, Mikro-Sauerstoffanreicherung, Dosen- und Box-Wein entwickelt, um den Kunden einen besseren Service zu bieten.

Da der virtuelle Verkauf jedoch im Aufwind ist und sich allmählich den Markttrends anschließt, wäre es ratsam, in eine dieser Innovationen zu investieren, wenn Sie in die Weinbranche einsteigen oder Ihr Spirituosengeschäft auf die nächste Stufe heben möchten. Im Folgenden werden wir die Schritte zum Aufbau einer App für die Weinlieferung auf Abruf und zum Start Ihres Alkohol-Lieferdienstes untersuchen.

Wie Sie Ihre App zur Lieferung von Wein und Spirituosen auf Abruf erstellen

Da die Quarantäne in einigen Ländern teilweise noch in Kraft ist, ist es ein guter Zeitpunkt, um Technologie in die Art und Weise zu integrieren, wie Spirituosen- und Weinhändler ihren Kunden Dienstleistungen anbieten. Da es mobile Apps für fast alles gibt, von Lebensmittellieferungen bis hin zu Taxibuchungs-Apps und anderen, wäre eine App für die Lieferung von Alkohol keine schlechte Idee. Im Gegenteil, sie ist lukrativ und profitabel.

Basierend auf research, the alcohol drink market worldwide had market revenue of about $1,528,745 million in 2019. And it is expected to increase by over 3.6% between 2019 and 2023. With this information, building or starting an on-demand alcohol delivery app is a profitable business idea and should be invested in.

So, how do you start?

If you aren?t an App or software developer, then this may be a bit difficult for you. However, you can employ a team of highly experienced and skilled developers to build your app. These developers should be proficient in the technology stack, programming language, and the full development process of building an app. A standard app development team should consist of:

  • A Project Manager
  • Business Analysis Team
  • Frontend & Backend Developers
  • Android and iOS Developers
  • QA Professionals

Although you may have a team, it is also important to have an idea of the phases involved, and they include:

  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Designing
  • Developing
  • Testing
  • Deploying

While planning such project, there are certain factors that you may need to consider. Some of them include creating a friendly interface, easy app navigation, app and business scalability, an advanced dashboard for admins and alcohol stores, analytics panels, and several others.

Depending on the development approach, this project may take up to a year or more to finalize. However, if you will like to start immediately, several platforms offer alcohol delivery app clones that are easy to set up.

Must-Have Alcohol Delivery App Features

To build your on-demand alcohol delivery app to standard, certain features are highly important. These features are essential and are present on almost every alcohol delivery app.

For Customers

  • Login/Register

Users can easily register or login using their email account, username, and password to view products, deals or offers.

  • Liquor Listings

After registering or logging in, the customer can browse through several brands and make his/her choice.

  • Search Filters

Through this option, users can easily make their pick based on price, ratings, and size. This way, choosing and purchasing are faster and stress-free.

  • Cashless In-App payment options

Cashless transactions are the rule of the day. This process makes the payment more secure and hassle-free. Your app could support payment through PayPal, credit/debit card, and any other transaction models available in your country.

  • Track order

With this feature, users can track the progress of their order. Progress can be monitored through options like processing of shipment.

  • Order History

Sometimes, users would like to re-order a drink they have previously had. With this feature, users can quickly identify and purchase the products they have purchased before.

  • Cancel order

This feature allows users to cancel an unwanted order that is already in progress.

  • Notifications

This feature serves to keep your users aware and up-to-date on new wine products, offers, and deals.

  • Ratings and Feedback

The fastest way to improve is through feedback. You not only get advice on how to improve, but other users or new customers can access delivery services and products through feedback.

For the Admin Panel

  • Admin Login/Register

This login feature allows the admin (the business owner or his/her admin staff) easy access to his/her account. However, to log in, the admins would be required to provide their credentials.

  • Manage Order

With this feature, the admins keep track of all orders, the specific detail per charge, and their status.

  • Product and Price Management

Through this feature, the admins can customize product categories and also the prices of the various products.

  • Settings

Using this feature, the admins can change, upgrade, or create personalized environments and experiences based on customer needs.

  • Push Notifications

Admins can pass vital information on products, orders, deals, and offers using Emails or SMS depending on the customer’s preference.

  • Real-time Analytics/Reporting

With this feature, the admin or admins can monitor the real-time statistics of a variety of factors. This feature will provide real-time reports on maximum orders per region, the maximum number of orders per time or period, peak delivery hours, etc.

  • Marketing Management

This feature enables the admin to manage ads, email templates, and promotional campaigns.

  • Ratings and Feedback

Just like users, this feature allows the admins to view the ratings and feedback posted by the users.

  • Payment Management

This feature enables the admins to monitor processed payments easily and also manage them.

Advanced Features That Can Be Added To an On-Demand Wine and Liquor Delivery App

  • Cloud-based Service

Cloud management, as one of the most popular technologies in recent times, can ensure the smooth flow of your business and help secure data. All your user’s data, such as their orders, favorite offers, payment details, delivery date, etc., are kept safe to improve users’ trust and confidence.

  • Track Local Outlets

With this feature, users can easily identify different outlets close to them and make their choice. With this, customers trust the business more, as their convenience is put first. This is also a great way to introduce deals and offers to users.

  • Promo Codes and Rewards

Every user is looking to save some money while shopping. This feature keeps users coming back to the app to purchase more products. With this feature, users can easily apply promo codes or offer to buy drinks at a giveaway price.

  • Real-time Tracking

Using real-time tracking, users can monitor the real-time location of the courier or delivery man. It allows users to guide through easier, safer, and faster paths to their location. This way, the users are more interested and conscious of their orders.

With these features, your app is ready to be launched, and through them, you can easily increase your profits and revenue while topping your competitors in the liquor market.

Benefits of the On-Demand Alcohol Delivery App

  • With the rising trend of the On-demand Alcohol delivery App, the benefits to your business also increase.
  • With the on-demand Alcohol delivery App, you are sure to get maximum profits from sales to customers and even shops.
  • With standard app designs and simple features, your company can fully leverage its revenue.
  • It is an independent form of advertisement, as it can help you manage as well as attract new customers and in turn drive sales.
  • Using the Alcohol delivery app, admins can easily manage their stock without the need for physical meetings.
  • The alcohol delivery also helps to boosts return on investment (ROI).
  • It enhances cashless transactions and allows for transparency between you and the admins. That is, admins can easily keep track of the daily transactions.

The Cost and Time Involved In Developing an On-Demand Alcohol Delivery App

Various factors influence the cost and the time involved in developing a standard and high-quality alcohol delivery app. Some significant factors include the features you decide to add and the complexity of the delivery app. However, these factors should also be considered when calculating the time and cost involved in app development.

  • The selected platform
  • UI/UX development
  • Mobile App development
  • Connectivity of the website
  • App Store submission
  • Desired features

In addition to these factors, you should also consider the physical location of the development company, transportation costs, as well as the developer’s cost/fees. The cost and timing usually differ depending on how you want your website built, and by whom. This process is bound to take longer if it is done from scratch by developers (about six months to a year), and would cost more. However, you can also get a clone alcohol delivery app, from websites within a week or use IT partners and get a bespoke solution from Webuildtech


The on-demand wine and liquor delivery app, just as its name implies, is in high demand and keeps rising. Many individuals prefer to use these apps as they make shopping more comfortable and help save money while also meeting their various needs. That’s said, meeting your users’ needs is as good as meeting yours.