Wraz z ostatnimi wydarzeniami i wykładniczym wzrostem technologii, każda branża stopniowo wkracza do cyfrowego świata. Na przykład marketing przekształcił się w marketing cyfrowy, a wybór kariery jako niezależny marketer cyfrowy jest rzeczywiście dobrym wyborem. Cyfrowy świat szybko się rozwija i pokonał prawie wszystkie ograniczenia geograficzne i fizyczne, dając ludziom czas na efektywną pracę z dowolnej części świata.

Świetnym sposobem, w jaki ludzie wykorzystali tę okazję, jest marketing cyfrowy Freelance. Branża freelancerska przeżywa rozkwit, ponieważ wiele osób na całym świecie podejmuje różne prace freelancerskie z minuty na minutę. Freelance digital marketing okazuje się być jednym z najszybciej rozwijających się segmentów tej branży, ponieważ coraz więcej osób zdaje sobie sprawę z możliwości, jakie oferuje.

Wraz z rozwojem cyfrowego świata, firmom coraz trudniej jest poruszać się w przestrzeni cyfrowej i stawiać swoje firmy w czołówce, stąd zapotrzebowanie na niezależnych marketerów cyfrowych. Firmy potrzebują tych niezależnych strategów rynku cyfrowego do przeprowadzania skutecznych kampanii i innych niezbędnych strategii marketingowych w celu rozwoju. Ze względu na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na usługi marketingu cyfrowego, można śmiało powiedzieć, że marketing cyfrowy jako wolny strzelec jest lukratywną i świetną opcją kariery dla ciebie.

Czy chciałbyś zostać niezależnym marketerem cyfrowym? A może jesteś sceptyczny co do tego, jaką pracę freelancera podjąć? W tym artykule omówimy najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z marketingiem cyfrowym i dowiemy się, jak zostać profesjonalnym freelancerem.

Kim jest niezależny marketer cyfrowy? 

Just as the name implies, freelance digital marketers are marketing professionals who independently offer their services to businesses and companies. That is, they work independently to provide digital marketing-related services to clients. Like every other freelancer, they work and deliver services from the comfort of their homes. They prepare and exert online marketing strategies such as social media campaigns, e-mail marketing, etc., to help businesses and companies drive sales, reach their marketing goals, and boost overall growth.

These marketing strategists usually possess a wide range of skills such as search engine optimization (SEO), copywriting, and strategy building, among many others. However, as a digital marketer, specializing in one or more skills is a great way to make the most out of this industry.

Also, freelance digital marketers who stop freelancing can create their digital marketing agency after acquiring a large client base. This way, they offer their services, skills, and experience while also creating job opportunities for other digital marketers.

How to Become a  Freelance Digital Marketer?

Whether you would like to work independently or find a side job, freelance digital marketing is a great option and the perfect way to earn some good money.

Are you clueless about how you can begin your career as a freelance digital marker? Here, we have simplified the steps you need to become a professional and high-earning freelance digital marketer.

  1. Build Your Skill Set

To get a gig as a freelancer, regardless of the type, you need a specific skill set to qualify you for the job, and this applies to freelance digital marketing. There?s a growing gap in the digital marketing sector, and if you can?t offer the skills to fill it up, you cannot get gigs as a freelance digital marketer.

To acquire these skills, you can take online digital marketing courses and attend online or offline training. After successfully undergoing training and taking courses, you can build your skills by working as an assistant or intern to an experienced digital marketer. With the right skills, you can work with digital marketing agencies. This way, you build your knowledge base, garner some experience, confidence, and build your portfolio before working independently. Once you have been established in digital marketing basics, it is advisable to find a preferred niche and specialize in it.

Taking courses and undergoing training shouldn?t be a one-time event. To stay ahead of other freelance digital marketers, it is important that you consistently update your skills to give yourself an edge in the freelance market.

  1. Create Your Business Website Or Portfolio

The majority of freelancers overlook this step or do not give enough attention to this. As a professional freelance digital marketer, you need a website or portfolio to showcase your previous successful jobs to potential clients. A CV alone is not sufficient enough to get you gigs or land you the best-paying clients.

Your website or online portfolio should contain a portrait picture of you, a detailed and interesting description of your services, real customer testimonials, and your contact to sell yourself effectively and your services.

You can also link your website or online portfolio to your digital marketing blog if you have one. Ensure that your blog contains articles closely related to digital marketing.

  1. Work On Your Personal Brand

Personal branding is as important as building a website or a blog. Building your brand is a great way to get your clients to trust you and sell yourself without necessarily ?selling.? Posting and promoting your brand on social media networks and other websites is a great way to do this.

You can also build your brand by producing content or writing guest posts for popular high-traffic websites. Publishing your content on such websites helps drive traffic to your website or online portfolio, build a reputation, and increase your clientele.

  1. Connect With Other Freelance Digital Marketers

Connecting with other freelancers is a great way to promote your brand, learn from their experiences, share ideas, get referrals, and even find new friends. You can connect with other digital marketers by following them on social media networks, interacting with their posts, and through e-mails.

Creating connections with other digital marketers in the freelancing industry is an excellent way to learn, gain new opportunities, and take your business to the next level.

  1. Register with Freelance platforms

The fastest way to get freelance jobs is through freelancing platforms. These platforms connect tons of clients with numerous freelancers and are a great way to start your freelance digital marketing career. Today, several freelancing platforms are online; however, some prominent ones such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Guru, FlexJobs, etc.

These platforms open you to several opportunities and connect you with high-paying clients if you can effectively utilize them.

  1. Learn How to Pitch

Pitching is instrumental to your getting gigs on freelancing platforms. Writing and sending out proposals to potential clients is a key responsibility of every freelancer and determines how successful you become in your career.

Note that freelancing is a highly competitive industry, and you will require more than a boring pitch or proposal to get high-paying jobs or attract your prospective client. Therefore, learning how to write great proposals and effectively pitch your services to your clients is essential.

  1. Set Up Your Prices

When starting as a professional freelance digital marketer, it is essential that you create your pricing model and set your prices. Whenever you get a gig on any platform, the client is likely to ask you what/how you charge, and the answer must always be readily available.

While structuring your pricing model, ensure that you put the rate per time ? hourly, daily, or monthly, and rate per project into consideration. You can effectively build a pricing model and decide your prices by doing this.

Allowing for some flexibility and negotiating these prices, as some clients or projects may not be as straightforward.

  1. Get Started

Once you have put the necessary things in place, it is time to get your first client and make some cool money. Although finding clients, initially, might be a hassle, you need not worry. There are many ways you can get digital marketing gigs.

Here are more tips to follow :


How Can You Find Clients?

  • Freelance platforms/Job boards? There are tons of clients searching for freelance digital marketers on these platforms. So, why don?t you present yourself to them? You can send proposals on these platforms and apply for jobs posted.
  • Referrals ? Family members and friends can recommend you to people in need of a freelance digital marketer. Let your family members, friends, and former colleagues know that you now offer digital marketing services. You can also provide free services to their businesses to help them market your services better and get testimonials to build your portfolio.
  • Your Blog – Blogging is an effective way to get clients. Although this may not be yielding initially, as the traffic builds in your blog, you are more likely to get jobs through it. Consistently work on your blog and post relevant content to increase your chances of getting hired.
  • How you treat your first client goes a long way in determining how successful your business may become. Ensure that you are clear on your terms, deliver excellent services, and deliver services on time. Doing this can help provide you with great testimonials on your website or online portfolios and give way for referrals from your client.


The digital marketing business is continually evolving and growing. Therefore it offers you a sustainable source of income and a great experience. However, as easy as it may sound, you will need to be consistent, hard-working, and determined to get the best out of the online marketing industry.

Before taking on jobs or gigs, ensure that you have built your skills to a reasonable extent. Although building your skills to a professional level doesn?t happen in a day, it is a pre-requisite that you take the necessary steps towards it by learning, building, and practicing.

Once you have successfully gotten a few success stories on your website or portfolio and built a client base, the journey becomes way more comfortable. Freelance digital marketing is an excellent industry to dive into, and I bet you wouldn?t regret it.

Looking to improve your marketing? Here are the top 10 tips to improve your marketing skills: https://www.company-idea.com/10-tips-to-improve-your-marketing/