El mundo necesita transparencia ahora más que nunca, especialmente en el espacio digital, y eso es lo que garantiza Blockchain. Con Blockchain, varias personas, marcas, empresas e incluso gobiernos pueden llevar a cabo actividades de forma fiable y transparente. Blockchain se ha movido más allá de las implementaciones superficiales en Cryptocurrency y se ha movido hacia diversas aplicaciones, dando lugar a más oportunidades. 2020 ha sido el preludio de la diversificación de las aplicaciones de blockchain. Gracias a la pandemia, se magnificaron varias de las próximas tendencias de blockchain. Como resultado de la pandemia, varias empresas se han digitalizado y siguen digitalizándose, lo que ofrece más oportunidades de blockchain.

Muchas empresas están incorporando continuamente Blockchain para ayudar a mejorar la ciberseguridad. Cada vez se dedican más esfuerzos a la iniciativa blockchain. Con COVID-19, este proceso se ha hecho aún más rápido para proyectos específicos, pero más lento para algunos otros. Debido al efecto masivo en la economía, se han recortado los proyectos de blockchain a largo plazo, prácticos y especulativos, y se ha ampliado el plazo. Esto, sin embargo, se desarrollaría a medida que se reestructure el mercado o se apliquen cambios normativos. Por otro lado, los proyectos cortos y beneficiosos han avanzado de forma masiva.

Con el aumento de las iniciativas y aplicaciones de blockchain, sólo cabe esperar que las oportunidades y usos de blockchain aumenten en 2021 y los años siguientes. Aquí hemos recopilado una lista exhaustiva de algunas de las principales oportunidades de blockchain que puede aprovechar en 2021.

Una plataforma para comercializar servicios financieros

Como usted sabe, Cryptocurrency es también una forma de dinero. Sin embargo, se basa en una tecnología diferente - Blockchain. De la misma manera que el dinero puede ser utilizado, Cryptocurrency también puede serlo. Puede prestarse, ahorrarse y utilizarse para realizar inversiones en plataformas de software que admitan transacciones de criptodivisas. Dado que es una forma de dinero, es probable que se integre en un instrumento financiero, dando lugar a diferentes productos financieros.

Gracias a la capacidad innovadora de la tecnología blockchain, las inversiones, los préstamos y las operaciones con derivados e instrumentos sintéticos también pueden tener una variante blockchain. Una forma de conseguirlo es a través de los fondos cotizados en bolsa (ETF). Esto puede permitir que más personas participen en inversiones, préstamos, etc., de forma segura.

Desarrollo de software y sitios web

Con Blockchain viene la confianza, la apertura y la seguridad como resultado de la alta seguridad que ofrece. Sin embargo, Blockchain es principalmente tecnología de software, sólo que al más alto nivel posible. Para los desarrolladores de sitios web y software, Blockchain les abre nuevas posibilidades y les proporciona nuevas herramientas para mejorar su trabajo. A través de Blockchain, estos desarrolladores pueden construir con confianza aplicaciones más modernas y de primer nivel, completamente descentralizadas y altamente seguras. 

This is to say that blockchain technology can enable web and software developers to design and build novel applications. In addition to this, Blockchain can also design advanced APIs such as client APIs, transaction scripting language APIs, Data APIs, and several others.

Namecoin has taken advantage of this opportunity and has conveniently built an alternative blockchain technology. This technology is used to apply a decentralized variety of the Domain Name Server (DNS).

Decentralized Database/Storage

Blockchain refers to blocks forming a chain linked by cryptography that stores data and records in linear containers. Just as you may have noticed, data stored there is identified by your signature, which is partially visible to the public. However, whatever data you have stored can only be unlocked and accessed by you. This can be done by inputting the privately assigned keys to that block of data.

Although there are several cloud file storage solutions such as OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., these storage solutions continually face critical challenges such as data control, security breaches, and privacy issues. When using these storage technologies, individuals have to rely on third parties for confidentiality, and this hasn’t worked out so well.

With Blockchain, however, several individuals can store information without relying on a third party to keep their information confidential. A brand that has keyed into this innovation to provide completely confidential and secure platforms is Storj.

More people can key into this and create similar brands that, in turn, provides true privacy and improved security of information.

Legal Authentication

Just like every other industry, the legal industry also has a lot to gain from blockchain technology. Validation of documents is a huge part of standard procedures. However, central authorities usually do it and, thus, prone to corrupt practices, human errors, and security risks.

Blockchain changes the narrative. With this technology, documents can be stored and also validated without errors. Through proof of existence, individuals can anonymously and safely store their documents and have them certified whenever they want to.

Management of Digital Assets

Just as assets are continually being digitized, blockchain is consistently providing opportunities for individuals to manage these assets efficiently. With blockchain, individuals are sure that their assets are not only organized but also secured. Also, alternative blockchain options can be used to manage digital assets.

Secure Record Management

Considering that blockchain technologies are highly secure and decentralized, they offer excellent opportunities to manage records. Records such as legal, hospital, educational, and every other record can be stored privately with blockchain and easily retrieved.

Provides Anti-counterfeit solutions

One of the greatest and growing world trade issues is counterfeiting. With blockchain technology, this problem is only expected to be reduced to the barest minimum in every industry. Blockchain offers a more decentralized and highly secure solution to existing counterfeiting solutions, relying on third parties’ help. Through blockchain technology, brands, merchants, and companies can jointly create a network to store up any information or document that serves as proof of their product or service authenticity.

The company, BlockVerify, has taken advantage of this to provide anti-counterfeit solutions through blockchain for brands and merchants also.

Ownership and Copyright

With the rise and growing popularity of the internet, copyright has grown exponentially and impossible to handle. This is due to the ambiguity of laws concerning copyrighting in the digital sphere and because it is nearly impossible to verify most digital documents and properties.

However, blockchain makes it easier to verify the authenticity of documents and properties and identify the owners. This technology provides a secure counterfeit-proof way through which documents can be verified. With this, the pricey notarization fees would also be scrapped out. Companies that have taken advantage of these opportunities include Block Notary, Stampers, Proof of Existence, etc. This helps solve ownership issues in film industries, insurance, music, and every other industry. It also gives room for several investment opportunities.

Investment in Blockchain Start-ups

With the rapid growth of blockchain technology, it would only be wise to invest in it, as there?s a guarantee that it would bring massive revenue in the next few years. Large or even medium-sized companies can take up partnership opportunities with start-up blockchain companies. In addition to partnering with start-ups, individuals or companies can also build their team of blockchain developers who would apply this talent to core technology. Partnership with start-up companies would be highly beneficial as blockchain is rapidly taking over every industry.

Budget-Friendly Payment Solutions

The speed of the current financial process is nothing compared to that of blockchain technologies. Several financial institutions currently search for ways to integrate blockchain technology into their financial process for more efficient services. Through blockchain technologies, businesses and companies are provided with cost-effective payment solutions. This way, the services of third parties such as PayPal and commercial banks, would no longer be needed.

Companies such as Ethereum and Codius have identified this opportunity and taken advantage of it by offering partners contracts.

Better Healthcare Services

Blockchain technology has positively impacted every industry, including the healthcare sector. Through blockchain, information such as patient admittance date, surgical results, and other data is secure and accessible.

Here, records are not only secure and accessible but also time stamped. This makes tracking more comfortable and reduces medico-legal issues.

This is beneficial to the health sector by tracking inventory of medical supplies, secure storage of records, tracking clinical trials, automation of insurance approvals, etc. Companies have taken advantage of this opportunity and are still doing so.


The Blockchain industry is sure to cause massive but positive disruptions in the business processes of several sectors. However, this would require time and effort too. With the current COVID-19 trend and the blockchain’s popularity, it wouldn?t be long before the government accepts blockchain benefits. Once it is accepted, it can now improve public and financial services regardless of the country. Also, several start-ups have conveniently keyed into this lifetime opportunity because of blockchain technology’s massive benefits. Although some of these start-ups are going to fail, some others will thrive. As these start-ups fail, they gain more knowledge and experience on how to and how-not of this technology. 

With increased popularity, several individuals need to acquire new skills to keep up with the trend and improve their business processes.

As 2021 draws closer, we expect to see more implementations and even more opportunities for blockchain technology. It would only be wise to evolve with technology and carefully keep up with the market trend to identify opportunities quickly.