
Las criptomonedas, los tokens de seguridad, los activos digitales y sus clasificaciones están aumentando rápidamente con blockchain y la tecnología criptográfica. Las NFT (fichas no fungibles) son otro ejemplo de la rápida transformación del sector.

Probablemente, la mayoría de sus lecturas sobre NFTs se concentran en cómo los inversores con mucho dinero están comprando artículos sin valor con NFTs. Sin embargo, esta guía explorará el verdadero significado y desglose de las NFT.

¿Qué son las fichas no fungibles?

Las NFT son criptoactivos únicos conectados a objetos: una pieza de música, arte digital, objeto de juego o coleccionable. Al igual que las criptomonedas, como Ethereum y Bitcoin, las NFT utilizan la tecnología blockchain para registrar la propiedad y validar la autenticidad. Y a diferencia de las criptomonedas, cada token de NFT es único, es decir, no fungible. Las NFT se compran y venden en diferentes mercados con criptomonedas.

En otras palabras, las NFT son fichas criptográficas que describen activos de forma única. El token puede representar activos digitales, como imágenes, pero también puede rastrear un activo del mundo real, como un coche, una casa o una canción. Definir los activos de forma única significa que usted podría demostrar su propiedad sobre los activos e incluso probar su autenticidad.

Es vital añadir que, durante las últimas semanas, se han disparado las ventas de NFT vinculadas a obras de arte y creaciones digitales, como deportes únicos, álbumes de música, clips de momentos y el primer tuit del CEO de Twitter. Aunque las NFT no son nuevas en el mundo de blockchain.

¿Cómo se utilizan los NFT?

Los NFT se utilizan para activos digitales que se diferencian entre sí para demostrar su escasez o valor. Representan desde una parcela de tierra virtual hasta obras de arte y la propiedad de licencias.

Las NFT no se negocian en un mercado de criptomonedas estándar, sino que se venden o compran en mercados digitales como Openbazaar o Decentraland.

¿Cómo funcionan las NFT? 

Tokens, such as Ethereum-based ERC-20 and Bitcoin, are fungible. Ethereum’s NFT standard is ERC-721. NFTs can equally be established on another smart-contract blockchain using non-fungible token support and tools. Although Ethereum is the first to be utilized, TRON, NEO, and EOS now possess NFT standards.

NFTs and smart contracts permit well-detailed attributes, such as owner identity, safe file links, or rich metadata. NFTs are potent to prove digital ownership is essential for a rising digital world. Like blockchain date challenge, NFTs, their smart contract technology, and protocols are being developed. Establishing decentralized platforms and applications for the creation and management of NFTs is still a bit complicated. Also, there is the issue of establishing a standard.

Is Investing in NFTs Worth It?

The major obvious NFTs benefit is the market efficiency. Having investment in NFTs comes with many growths and potential. Because NFTs couldn’t be duplicated, it establishes asset scarcity, hence its value. The physical asset conversion to digital assets opens several opportunities for investors and artists. Physical assets, such as collectibles and real estate, are simple to divide into digital assets among several owners than physical ones; thus, making it a great NFTs investment. In the meantime, some popular NFT marketplaces are Raible, SuperRare, Zora, and Makersplace.

How to Buy NFTs?

NFTs can be bought in some NFT marketplaces, such as Opensea, Raible, and Enjin Marketplace. Here is the step to purchase NFTs using Raible:

  • The First Step; go to the Rarible website and select the button ‘Connect.’ From there, choose a wallet you wish to connect and login. Note- You should accept terms of service before logging in.
  • The Second Step; after logging in, search for NFT in the platform you want to buy. After choosing the NFT you want to buy, click the button ‘Buy now.
  • In the Third Step; a confirmation window would come up to ask you to cross-check order details. If you are satisfied to continue, select the button ‘Proceed to payment’ to move to the final stage.
  • The Fourth Step; the wallet click, would pop up to ask you for transaction confirmation. And if you are still okay to continue, easily confirm the transaction, after which it will process. After the confirmation, your NFT would be deposited straight to the Ethereum address, and it would be yours to have.

Note; avoid purchasing NFTs during peak times. Otherwise, you might end up with an intolerably huge gas fee.

¿Qué tiene si compra una NFT?

Si compra un NFT, tiene derecho a reclamar la titularidad del NFT y a eximir a otros de declarar la titularidad del NFT. Aparte de eso, dependerá de las condiciones que rijan el NFT.

As a case of property law, NFT can be characterized as incorporeal or intangible personal property. It is a property that can’t be held or touched but contains some value. Like other sets of personal items, they can be sold, bought, levied, mortgaged, bequeathed, and used as collateral.

Which Projects are Using NFTs?

Several projects have imbibed NFTs. And some popular projects that have used NFTs include:


CryptoKitties is the first NFT to hit the mainstream sector. Its idea is similarly connected to Pokemon Go. Rather than collecting Pokemons with unique features, you can take a digital crypto cat with certain characteristics. By breeding a cat, you could make new cats and find new features.


Decentraland is a virtual reality project where you can have pieces of virtual land. Under this, the game permits you to develop further on your piece of land. All these details are saved in the NFT metadata. Significantly, the game permits virtual trading land using another gamer so you could establish huge virtual communities.

Gods Unchained

As a project in NFT, Gods Unchained has established collectible card games where a card is given as NFTs. Thus, solving every problem associated with card ownership could be transferred digitally. You can then verify each card’s authenticity. More so, you can rapidly exchange card ownership through simple Ethereum transactions.

NBA Top Shots

NBA Top Shots is a popular platform for NFTs created on the Flow blockchain. It’s an unusual idea where diverse moments of many NBA matches are captured, then minted to an NFT. Several tokens use a different rarity. A good example is that some moments are just minted for a few NFTs, and others are for thousands. That’s why some skyrocket in value while investors flood markets to acquire them.

Significantly, the platform quickly has increased to become hyped, while every pack drop gets thousands or several persons eager to join.

OpenSea Marketplace

OpenSea marketplace permits auctioning of NFT on the platform. It works as a decentralized marketplace where trading occurs via smart contracts. OpenSea permits you to trade over 200 kinds of NFTs.

Recent Happenings in NFTs

NFT grew increasingly in 2020. According to a report in January 2021 from DappRadar, the daily activity in blockchain games rose 35 percent in 2020 to about 28,000 active unique daily wallets. In February 2020, the Rarible NFT marketplace locked about $1.75 million in funding from popular industries, like Coinbase Ventures.

Practically, NFTs started to trade for huge sums. Artist Fewocious sold NFT artworks for thousands of dollars. Sorare trading cards that represent Kylian Mbappé, a football star, sold for almost $65,000.  A 24-pixel picture sold for about $176,000. Nifty Gateway digital artist auction of Beeple’s creation witnessed a bidder paying around $777 for a piece collection. Interestingly, NFT mania reached unprecedented heights in February 2020, when Hashmasks, an Ethereum project, witnessed 16,000 sales of NFT art pieces for about $9 million.

This huge money was followed by prominent names, as celebrities and artists seized the chance to cash in. Among those who recently ventured into NFTs include; singer Lil Yachty, creator Justin Roiland, and YouTuber Logan.

The Future of NFTs

Presently, much attention on NFTs is concentrated on gaming, artwork, and crypto collectibles. Growingly, known firms are licensing content for NFTs. For instance, So rare, a fantasy soccer game has already signed up about 100 soccer clubs to her platform. And others like Minecraft and Smurfs are rendered as NFT.

In gaming, NFTs can represent items in-game, such as skins, thus potentially permitting them to port to fresh games or trade with another player. However, their potential is wider with likely application to copyright, ticketing, plus the trade and sale of video games. NFTs include the potential for security tokens creation, and digital and real- assets tokenization. Physical assets, such as property, can be tokenized for shared or fractional ownership. The ownership of assets is totally clear and traceable when security tokens are Non-Fungible, even when only tokens that represent part ownership are sold.

More NFTs applications can be certifications like qualifications, warranties, software licensing, plus even death and birth certificates. NFT smart contracts prove the owner or recipient’s identity and can be stored on digital wallets for access ease and representation. There would be a day; digital wallets can have proof of all licenses, certificates, and assets.


NFTs have attained much exposure and popularity in recent years as they operate as ownership proof and physical and digital items authenticity. Significantly, NFTs permit customers to transfer ownership while eliminating fraud.

Whether the hype in NFT goes away or continues, it’s here to stay as a growing and crucial new blockchain component in the world. There are opportunities and chances to make funds with NFTs. But, as an innovation, there is more to explore to understand the mechanism, especially in the nearest future fully. People willing to learn the guide and invest would likely be the new world’s highest earners.

Read our latest article about an artist who made 69M selling NFT’s: