
Sebbene il bitcoin abbia avuto una certa popolarità negli ultimi tempi, non è l'unica criptovaluta a livello globale: esistono già oltre 4.000 criptovalute. Per molti, "bitcoin" e "criptovaluta" significano la stessa cosa, ma i mercati delle criptovalute abbondano di alternative. Di conseguenza, questo lavoro illustrerà le migliori criptovalute da considerare e su cui investire quest'anno. E aiuterà a orientarsi meglio in questo mercato dalle grandi opportunità.

Le migliori criptovalute su cui investire nel 2022

  1. Catena ($LINK)

Chainlink (LINK) è un token di Ethereum che alimenta la rete (DON) Decentralized Oracle Network. Chainlink ha avuto un grande rally all'inizio del 2022, passando da un minimo di $11 a un valore senza precedenti di $36,9. È stato realizzato principalmente per la piattaforma Ethereum; sta iniziando a essere assunto come altri, come Polkadot e Tezos. Gli sviluppatori che utilizzano la rete Chainlink pagano utilizzando il token nativo di un protocollo chiamato Link. Pertanto, un token che aiuti a facilitare la crescita dell'ecosistema on-chain potrebbe avere col tempo un ruolo di primo piano rispetto al Bitcoin, poiché diventerà progressivamente fondamentale per le operazioni dell'infrastruttura blockchain.

  1. Uniswap ($UNI)

Uniswap, introdotto nel settembre 2020, è un exchange di criptovalute decentralizzato di alto livello che opera sulla blockchain di Ethereum. Questa criptovaluta utilizza un nuovo tipo di modello di trading noto come protocollo di liquidità automatizzato che incentiva le persone che operano con la borsa a essere fornitori di liquidità. In Uniswap, ogni token quotato possiede il suo pool a cui gli utenti possono contribuire, e i costi per ogni token sono elaborati con algoritmi matematici operati da un computer.

  1. Cardano ($ADA)

Cardano è un'altra criptovaluta di punta fondata nel 2017 per competere con la blockchain di Ethereum. La piattaforma blockchain Cardano è stata lanciata da (IOHK) Input Output Hong Kong, un'azienda decentralizzata guidata da Charles Hoskinson, co-fondatore di Ethereum. Entro marzo 2021, il valore di mercato sarà di circa $39miliardi e ci saranno circa 31,2 miliardi di monete ADA sul mercato, con un limite di offerta di oltre 45 miliardi.

Meanwhile, there have been some talks on the launch of Cardano smart contract functionality that will provide developers options to develop and deploy their decentralized applications. Cardano is the foremost to be established on peer-reviewed research; its goal is to rearrange power from inexplicable structures, margins to individuals and be a good force for progress and positive change. A forecast on ADA remains bullish. Analysts are anticipating it would reach  $2 billion by year-end.

  1. Tron ($TRX)

TRON foundations found $TRON. It intends to build a worldwide digital and entertainment network that permits customers to share content easily and affordably. By eliminating the mediator need, TRON empowers people to place content on her blockchain ecosystem, driving through the channels and distribution prices for publishers while working out the lower possibility of consumer costs and accessing their contents. Significantly, the token powering the complete system is $TRX. It is vital to add that TRON contains more dApps than Ethereum. This has made investors predict that TRON will be a gainful lucrative investment decision this year.

  1. Ripple ($XRP)

Ripple is a digital payment network, and Cryptocurrency first launched in 2012. Ripple’s XRP coin is one of the most underrated crypto assets worldwide. XRP is a token for payment established by Ripple Labs to use for a decentralized payments system. The firm began as a blockchain system, but XRP is now utilized as a validation nodes network instead of a blockchain.

Like others, $XRP lost fair value during early 2020 but has grown in value while remaining relevant as Ripple fuel. The open-source platform is created to hasten cheap and quick transactions. It also contains a strong technology and an expanding network that opens fresh doors in payment networks and international banking.

  1. Litecoin ($LTC)

Litecoin is established in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee. It is created from Bitcoin using similar features but faster and lighter. Litecoin is an open-source platform project and peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency launched under MIT/X11 licenses. From a technical perspective, Litecoin is almost identical to bitcoin, showing altcoins of Bitcoin. The Litecoin supply is capped at about 84 million, with around 75 percent already been mined.

For many analysts, Litecoin is an undervalued cryptocurrency worldwide, despite being in existence for one decade. While Bitcoin is seen as the crypto world gold, Litecoin is referred to as silver. Lately, Litecoin has surged over 630% from its lowest level around early 2020, bringing its entire market cap to over $12 billion. This makes it one of the largest cryptocurrencies worldwide, with predictors saying its value can move to pass $200. Litecoin enjoys popular investor confidence and a solid value similar to Bitcoin.

  1. Bitcoin Cash ($BCH)

Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin established in 2017. Its launch aimed to house a bigger block size compared to Bitcoin, permitting more transactions to a block. In spite of their differences, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash possess a set of technical similarities, using the same mechanism of consensus, and having their supply put at 21 million.

  1. Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin initially began in 2013 as a digital joke by two programmers; Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. Now, Dogecoin users can utilize Dogecoin to purchase services or goods or even trade them for currencies. Holders can equally use Dogecoin for fellow internet-goers who share or create great content.

Recently, Dogecoin gained high popularity after constantly tweeted by Elon Musk, Tesla CEO. The CEO stated that he wishes Coinbase to put Dogecoin to her supported cryptocurrency lists. Apart from Elon Musk, popular U.S singer Snoop Dogg supported and rebranded as Snoop Doge. The Dogecoin price rose over 55 percent after the publicity.

  1. Zcash ($ZEC)

Zcash is referred to as zee privacy which is an alternative to Bitcoin. It provides the secrecy to guide your privacy and financial activities. Your transactions could be quickly confirmed with little transaction costs. Zcash is first mined around 2016, and it has capped 21 million units like Bitcoin. Analysts are talking about Zcash reaching about $350 by year-end.

  1. Stellar (XLM)

Stellar, a blockchain distributor ledger, utilizes its currency, XLM coins, for transacting between people and financial institutions. It intends to make international payments easy and has received considerable attention lately.

Stellar is one of the top cryptocurrencies because of its fast payment network timing. It requires a few days to finish the transaction for conventional world transactions, but Stellar can finish it in some seconds. This act has enhanced the efficiency of supply chain payments, making it an attractive and efficient platform to use.

Stellar stated in early 2021 that it’s working with the government of Ukrainian in establishing a central digital currency. There might be no guarantee that Stellar would be responsible for the currency development; it would likely play a crucial role in decision-making.

  1. Ethereum ($ETH)

Bitcoin may be the most popular Cryptocurrency; it isn’t the most influential among investors. The most influential is Ethereum, as it permits anyone to build on its blockchain. Suppose Bitcoin tackles blockchain for payment and money; Ethereum’s blockchain possesses a higher set of applications. Ethereum was created in 2014. It has been at the Defi (decentralized finance) revolution forefront that enables it to shift from centralized, traditional financial systems to peer-to-peer finance through technologies established over the Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum reaches an unprecedented record lately, buoyed by risen institutional aim. By September 2020, Ethereum’s market cap rose by 60 percent from $25 to $40 billion. At some point, one Ethereum token was about $483 before slowing to $358. In the following weeks, Ethereum surprised investors after it hit $410 and rallies with Bitcoin in November 2020. Investors will see a bullish $ETH if this good trend continues in 2021

Ethereum, the biggest Cryptocurrency in terms of market volume and capitalization after Bitcoin, is a great investment choice for people starting in the cryptocurrency world. The $ETH token strength correlates with the network scale of the network that shows the token will move to more strength as more projects and Dapps are launched inside the network.

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin, the investor’s preferred Cryptocurrency, is created in 2011 by Satoshi Nakamoto and holds about 65 percent of market caps.

In February 2021, Bitcoin prices achieved record highs; a single bitcoin is currently valued at over $50,000. Some analysts are predicting that bitcoin would reach $100,000 by year-end. Whether its value charge ahead or levels down, bitcoin would likely continue to influence the cryptocurrency market. Against this, traders would consistently gain from high liquidity irrespective of the health of the market. Thus, while bitcoin may be volatile, it will continue to demonstrate constant growth.


Following the late surge in Bitcoin, investors are now interested to know the best Cryptocurrency to invest in now. Nowadays, people invest in Cryptocurrency for a reason; to make big money. And so far, cryptocurrencies have fulfilled that promise. Nevertheless, while Cryptocurrency is one of the popular investments now, it involves big risk levels because of its high volatility. Thus, it’s advisable for traders and investors to exercise caution, be diligent, and do homework before embarking on any cryptocurrency. The risk in 2022 is growing; at some time, Cryptocurrency transfers money from one person to another.

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