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Saturday, 20 April 2024


¿Qué pasaría si Satoshi vendiera todo su Bitcoin?

La oferta de Bitcoin es finita, unos 21 millones, y la mayor parte sigue fuera de circulación, en carteras o a la espera de ser minada. Pero, ¿qué pasaría si el propietario de la mayor reserva de Bitcoin vendiera

¿Qué aportaría Ethereum L2 a la comunidad Blockchain?

Layer two blockchain technology has gained steam and will continue to find viable solutions to the blockchain network’s problems. Layer 2 is a secondary protocol or framework built upon an existing blockchain system. Like you have it in Ethereum networks,

Guía del agricultor principiante

Introduction One of the recent and hottest news in Cryptocurrency is yield farming, a reward measure taken by the Defi (decentralized finance) world market by storm in 2020. It is mostly a significant reason some people are interested in the

La mejor criptodivisa para invertir en 2022

Introduction Though bitcoin has been popular recently, it’s not the only Cryptocurrency globally; there are over 4,000 Cryptocurrencies already in existence. For many, “bitcoin” and “cryptocurrency” mean the same thing, but cryptocurrency markets abound with many alternatives. Consequently, this work