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Friday, 19 April 2024


O que o Ethereum L2 traria para a comunidade Blockchain?

Layer two blockchain technology has gained steam and will continue to find viable solutions to the blockchain network’s problems. Layer 2 is a secondary protocol or framework built upon an existing blockchain system. Like you have it in Ethereum networks,

Guia de iniciação à produção agrícola

Introduction One of the recent and hottest news in Cryptocurrency is yield farming, a reward measure taken by the Defi (decentralized finance) world market by storm in 2020. It is mostly a significant reason some people are interested in the

A melhor criptomoeda para investir em 2022

Introduction Though bitcoin has been popular recently, it’s not the only Cryptocurrency globally; there are over 4,000 Cryptocurrencies already in existence. For many, “bitcoin” and “cryptocurrency” mean the same thing, but cryptocurrency markets abound with many alternatives. Consequently, this work