Darbas namuose gali atrodyti lengvas ir įdomus, tačiau tai ne visada tiesa. Dažniausiai mums būna gana sunku susikaupti ir tobulėti savo karjeroje dirbant nuotoliniu būdu. Taip buvo ir tebėra dėl pandemijos. Kai keli dalykai, dėl kurių jūsų dėmesys ir susikaupimas išsiskiria, pavyzdžiui, šeima, naminiai gyvūnai ir net namų ruoša, profesinis augimas ir tobulėjimas gali atrodyti sulėtėjęs ir beveik neįmanomas.

Tačiau taip nebūtinai turi būti. Dirbant namuose galima susitelkti į karjerą ir tobulėti profesinėje srityje. Nesvarbu, ar fiziškai dirbate su savo komandos nariais ir vadovu ar darbuotojais, ar ne, galite veiksmingai su jais bendrauti, dalytis savo idėjomis, mokytis ir augti profesinėje srityje.

Šiame straipsnyje parengėme išsamų vadovą, kaip galite dirbti nuotoliniu būdu ir tobulėti profesinėje srityje, daryti įtaką savo įmonei, naudotis naujomis karjeros galimybėmis.

Žinokite savo galimybes

Norėdami augti, pirmiausia turite žinoti, ką galite ir kokiame etape esate. Tai padėtų įvertinti pažangą ir taptų atskaitos tašku. Turite nustatyti savo gebėjimus, įgūdžius, žinių lygį ir savo padėtį darbovietėje. Turėdami tai, galite nustatyti, kur norite būti, kokius įgūdžius ir žinias turite įgyti ir kokį lygį planuojate pasiekti per nustatytą laiką.

Nustatykite prioritetus Efektyvus laiko valdymas

Sėkmingiausi verslo ar įmonių savininkai ir verslininkai turi puikių laiko valdymo įgūdžių. Jei norite tobulėti profesinėje srityje, turite būti pasirengę atsisakyti atidėliojimo, tinginystės ir vangumo. Vienu metu tvarkytis su darbu ir šeima gali būti sudėtinga, tačiau tai įmanoma, jei sugebėsite tinkamai valdyti savo laiką. Privalote planuoti savo dieną ir savaitę. Planų kūrimas ir kiekvienam tikslui nustatytų terminų priskyrimas yra puikus būdas pradėti.

Jei sugebėsite sėkmingai įgyvendinti savo planus ir efektyviai tvarkyti laiką, galėsite sukurti patogią darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyrą. Tai taip pat padės sumažinti išsiblaškymą ir laikytis projektų terminų. Tinkamai valdydami laiką ir laikydamiesi tam tikros disciplinos, galite susikurti laiko investuoti į savo karjeros augimą, laiku atlikti kokybiškas užduotis ir projektus bei tobulėti profesinėje srityje.

Investuokite laiką ir išteklius į mokymąsi

Mokymasis yra visą gyvenimą trunkantis procesas, kuris neapsiriboja mokymusi mokykloje. Norint tobulėti bet kurioje pasirinktoje srityje, reikia mokytis. Darbas namuose turi privalumų, o didelis privalumas yra tas, kad nereikia kasdien važinėti į darbą. Tai reiškia, kad sutaupysite ne tik laiko, bet ir šiek tiek pinigų.

survey conducted recently showed that most employees who now work remotely due to the pandemic discovered that they had extra time worth 17 days of free time during regular working days.

A great way to utilize this extra time is by registering for online courses, listening to podcasts, and attending webinars or virtual conferences relevant to your career development. You can also read personal and career development books.

Shared knowledge is easier to remember and understand. Sharing your newly acquired knowledge with your manager and team members is a great way to enhance understanding and show that you are actively working towards your professional growth. This can open you up to more career opportunities in your company.

Provide Extra Value

Going the extra mile is a show of excellence and diligence. Making efforts to add value to your team members and other departments is key. You can do this through your opinions, skills, and expertise.

Doing some extra work or research when given team projects or tasks is an excellent way to show your team leader your level of dedication and your desire to do more for your organization or company. This is especially beneficial when you are positioning yourself for a leadership role in your organization.

Making valuable contributions and delivering projects within the specified time should be prioritized. Giving work your best while working remotely can significantly impact your career growth and role as a leader.

Build Your Team Spirit

Whether physical or virtual, teamwork is essential for the growth of your company and your career growth. When you make conscious efforts to work closely with team members, you can gain new skills, initiatives, knowledge, and contributions to specific projects. New knowledge, skill, and perspectives gained from team members or co-workers can positively impact your professional growth while in a home-based environment.

You can also build team spirit utilizing any given opportunity to recognize and applaud team members for their hard work. This can improve your team’s morale, project progress, and enhance the relationship between you and your co-workers.

Building your team spirit boosts trust between you and your team members. It also shows that you value them, their opinions, and contributions to team projects and the company as a whole. This also opens you up to new career opportunities within your company.

Improve Your Communication Skills, Grow Your Network

Since there are no one-on-one physical chit-chats or coffee breaks, how do you relate with others at your workplace? You have to come up with innovative ideas that help you to interact with others. Considering that every interaction will be carried out remotely, you have to work on your communication skills. It would be best if you found ways to improve your digital communication skills to maintain and grow your professional network.

With closer colleagues, you can do this via calls or text messages. However, with your boss or other cordial co-workers, you may need to send emails and messages. Taking out time to consistently write and send emails or messages to your team members and manager is an excellent way to improve communication and grow your network. This will also help to improve and hasten the progress and quality of team projects. Ensure that your messages or emails do not give rise to or fuel misunderstandings, and ensure that you keep them clear, short, and professional.

Consistency at this can increase your chances of communicating better even though you’re working remotely.

Always Ask For Feedback

You don’t have to wait for a structured company review from your boss and other teams. Most of the time, these reviews only touch on our performances’ surface issues and do not go as in-depth as we may expect or want. Seek reviews and feedback on your overall performance from co-workers or team members. Getting honest feedback can give you an idea of the areas you need to improve on and those you are doing perfectly well. This, in turn, helps you to make necessary adjustments to get better. This also shows your manager or team leader that you are eager to grow and communicate your diligence level.

Although this is important, it will not yield a useful result if you are vague in your requests. When requesting feedback from your manager or team members, ensure that you are very specific. You could ask for feedback on your professional growth and development, overall work performance, and projects you are working on. Reviews can also cover projects you have worked on independently. You can speak to your manager to get a deeper understanding of structured company reviews.

Getting feedback and applying the necessary corrections helps you improve your career, especially when working in a home-based environment.

How to Finance a Home Office?

For those who have taken additional steps to improve our ability to grow in the home-based environment and finally have started working from home, it will be a number one priority to make sure your workspace is comfortable and welcoming. After all, in the very same chair, you will end up spending a majority of your time for several years if not decades.

For those who are just starting might be difficult financially to afford each and every item on the very first day. It only looks simple, and altogether some ads up.  You definitely need :

  • Comfortable chair
  • Big and comfortable desk
  • Electronics
  • Curtain
  • Light
  • Writing equipment

Electronics alone can cost a fortune, luckily you can read about ways to finance your home-based office on Bankrate.

Seize Every Relevant Opportunity

Due to recent events, most companies have been affected and search for ways to achieve more with fewer resources. Although it seems to limit the possibilities for new opportunities, it gives room for employees who are willing to work. Search for areas where you think you can make some impact and apply yourself there. This way, you can create opportunities for yourself, increase your experience and skills while adding some great value to your company.

It is important that you strategically place yourself in positions or take up specific roles in your team or company to present yourself as a team player and a potential leader.

You can also turn your daily opportunities into great ones by taking a new strategic approach to your projects or work you are assigned. Doing this will help you work smarter, better and open you to your company’s new tasks.

The ability to seize new and relevant opportunities is an excellent way to grow yourself professionally, even in a home-based environment.


As a typical office worker, you may have found it difficult to adjust to working from home. The children are continually screaming, you have chores to do, and there’s so much office work you have to focus on. With all of these happening simultaneously, you may find it hard to believe you can even work effectively to grow in your career. However, this is entirely possible, and you can achieve it.

Creating a workspace for yourself, making plans, and following this guide to the latter is a perfect way to start. If you can practice some discipline and consistency, you are sure to develop personally and career-wise. You can also create opportunities for yourself and position yourself for promotion within and outside your company.

Working from home doesn’t have to impact your professional growth and development negatively. Adopt the growth mindset, apply it to your life and career, and you will experience the visible and commendable professional growth that you have always wanted for your job.